Sunday, July 6, 2014

AGO standards

I thought I was almost done.  Then I sat down to play, and nothing felt right.  After looking at the AGO specifications. and did some measurements, it was clear why.  The Great was in the wrong place.  I needed to move the entire keyboard stack toward me 3 inches, and down 2 1/2 inches.

After staring at the console shell, the only way I could figure out to do it (without building a new shell, this action being forbidden by my roommate) was to cut the keyboard support out and re-mount it 2 1/2" lower.

This left a rather significant scar on the side.  So out came the sander and black paint.
The bottom of the side panel happened to be 2 1/2 inches lower than the existing keyboard support, so all I needed to do was to add cleats to the bottom,

This placed the keyboards in the right position.
So to summarize, absent of the stoptabs, which hopefully will interface via USB, the MIDI interface of the entire instrument is as follows
with the parts indicated (PEDSCAN, BBS-1K, PDS and MRG2) from